The Truth Revealed Behind The HIV Injected Apples Being Sold In Recto!

Human Immunodeficiency Virus or HIV is one of the diseases that the experts still could not find a treatment. This could be transmitted by a sexual intercourse or by contact with blood. 

Recently, a photo that was posted by a woman named Vienly Jane Cuaresma Noche. The photo was posted to warn the people on buying fruits on sidewalk vendors. 

Screen shot via Vienly Jane Cuaresma Noche

The apples that she bought from the sidewalk vendor in Recto had a bruise and when they cut it into half, they saw the red discoloration.

Photo Credit: Vienly Jane Cuaresma Noche

They claim that it was a blood stain that was infected by HIV

Though the post was intended to warn the public there were some information that is not right. The HIV could die if it is exposed in the air.

It could only be transmitted by sexual intercourse or transmission of human fluid such as breast milk or blood. 

Source: BoyViral

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