Mother And Daughter Humiliated a MCDO Cashier. How The Manager Responded Was Completely Unexpected!

Humiliation is a known problem around the world. Some people feel like they have dominance and power over the other people.

One of the examples of humiliation is speaking in English. There is a mindset that people who are fluent in speaking English is classier, but it does not apply to all.

Just like this incident that happened in one of the branches of McDonald's. A mother and daughter were trying to buy a meal.

But there was a misunderstanding that took event while they were in a line which resulted into a commotion. They immediately seek the assistance of the manager claiming that the cashier could not understand them.

These photos will show you the story!

Photo Credit: WhenInManila

Let this story be a lesson to all that no one has the right to judge other people whatever the cause may be. Having a kind and considerate heart is always better than having great skills in speaking in English.

Source: WhenInManila

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