Heartbreaking love story that will surely make you shed tears!

We can't deny the fact that the people who are getting involved in a relationship often gets younger and younger. Younger ones tend to fall in love easily because of the thoughts about love that they've read or watched from some romantic novel or movie.

People these days, often fall for someone whom they've been talking to for quite some time. They easily fall for people whom they claim to have been always there for them.

But when they're already in a relationship with the one they fell for, their feelings quickly fade away and all of a sudden they started losing interest. 

Because of losing interest, they often seek for other people's attention. They wanted another person.

Until they'll realize that what they've done was wrong and that they really wanted to bring back everything that they had. 

Truth about Long distance relationship now a days </3
Posted by Anthony C. Ace on Friday, September 25, 2015

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