A Tragic Short Love Story That Will Surely Break Your Heart And Leave Tears In Your Eyes!

They say that Love is looking for your Mr. or Ms. Perfect but in reality it's not that way. Love is finding an imperfect person and loving them despite of their flaws. 

People also claim that True love waits, but what it that moment that you are looking for already passed by without you knowing it. What if you have already lost your perfect timing together and there is no way of getting it back?

This short conversation between two people will surely break your hearts. It is the story of Jake, who had been courting the love of his life named Heily for more than two years. It is difficult, but he is determined to pursue her for the fact that he knows that she is really worth the wait. 

But an unfortunate incident happened to their love story which led to a tragic ending. Check out their story here:

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